Body Fantasies Signature Vanilla Fantasy by Parfums De Coeur Body Spray 8 oz (Women)

25,00 $CA
Body Fantasies Signature Vanilla Fantasy by Parfums De Coeur Body Spray 8 oz (Women)
Body Fantasies Signature Vanilla Fantasy is a whimsical blend of scents that come together to create a flirty and uplifting perfume. The top note is crisp apple blossom. The middle notes include rosy petite for a bit of creaminess and the fresh scent of clean cotton.
Plus d'infos
Nom Body Fantasies Signature Vanilla Fantasy by Parfums De Coeur Body Spray 8 oz (Women)
Marques: parfums de coeur
Pour: Femmes
Oz: 8oz
Ml: 235ml
Type de Produit: Parfum
Sélection spéciale: Nouveau 2020
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